Supplemental Publication Information for Benjami Davis
husband of Martha (Patsey) Wansley
Tuesday, 08 May 1821, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
At the court-house in the town of Monticello, Jasper County, on the 1st Tuesday in June next . . . the following property will be sold, to wit: One bay mare, 7 years old, 2 beds, one desk, one pair fire dogs, 17 tumblers, 15 plates, 7 books, one tin coffee pot, 5 iron rings . . . taken as the property of Benjamin Davis, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Joseph Sutton.
Tuesday, 28 August 1821, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
On the 1st Tuesday in October next, will be sold at the court-house in the town of Monticello, Jasper County . . . the following property, to wit: One lot of land, number not known, where on Benjamin Davis now lives, levied on to satisfy two fi fas, one in favor of Joseph Sutton, the other in favor of James Richards.
Tuesday, 04 December 1821, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the court-house, in the town of Monticello, Jasper County . . . the following property, to wit: One 95 gallon still and worm, taken as the property of Benjamin Davis, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Joseph Sutton. [Signed: ] Hardy Crawford, D. Sheriff.
Tuesday, 02 April 1822, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
Will be sold at the court-house in the town of Monticello, Jasper County, on the 1st Tuesday in May next . . . the following property, to wit: One 95 gallon still, taken as the property of Benjamin Davis, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Joseph Sutton.
Tuesday, 07 October 1823, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
[Tax] Collector’s Sale . . . Will be sold in the town of Monticello, Jasper County, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property . . . as will satisfy the tax and cost for the year 1822, viz: 202 ½ acres land No. 223, in the 2nd district Monroe County, the property of Martha Davis . . . tax due $2.37. [NOTE: In 1807 Georgia Land Lottery, Patsey Wanslow received 202½ acres in District 18, Lot 166, Baldwin County, Georgia.]
Tuesday, 27 April 1829, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
Georgia, Jasper County: Sheriff’s Sale . . . On the 1st Tuesday in June next, will be sold at the courthouse in the town of Monticello, Jasper County . . . the following property, to wit: 202 ½ acres of land whereon Benjamin Davis now lives, it being lot No. 181 in the 17th district formerly Baldwin now Jasper county, levied on as the property of Benjamin Davis, to satisfy sundry fi fas against Benjamin Davis and James Davis, levy made and returned to me by John A. Ragland, Constable.
Saturday, 02 January 1830, Georgia Journal [Milledgeville].
Georgia, Jasper County: will be sold before the Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in March, next, between the legal hours of sale, all. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE Lot No. 131, in the 17th district of originally Baldwin now Jasper County, containing 202 ½ acres, adjoining J. McMichael, levied on as the property of Benjamin Davis, to satisfy execution or fi fas in favor of Jewett, Abell & Co.
Fieri fascias [fi fa, singular; fi fas, plural]: A writ of execution commanding the sheriff to levy and make the amount of a judgment from the goods and chattels of the judgment debtor.
In 1820 United States Census, Benjamin Davis was enumerated in Monticello, Jasper County, Georgia; in 1830 he was enumerated in Monroe County, Georgia.
Since Benjamin Davis is a relatively common name, “Benjamin Davis” in these newspaper notations may represent more than one man with the same name.
Evans, Tad. Georgia Newspaper Clippings, Jasper County Extracts. Vol. 1 [1812-1835]. Savannah, Georgia: Tad Evans, 1999.