Supplemental Publication Information for John Wansley Jr
Saturday, 07 March 1812, Monitor [Washington, Wilkes County, Georgia], Vol. XII, No. 577. “SHERIFF’S Sale: Will be sold On the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court house in Elbert county . . . the following property, vix. “Also 93 acres of land in Elbert county, on the waters of Coldwater creek, adjoining lands of B. Allen and others, occupied by A. Eliot, levied on as the property of John Wanslow, jun. to satisfy an execution in favor of Hugh Means.” [Poss, Faye Stone (abstractor). Wilkes County (Washington), Georgia Newspaper Abstracts 1810-1815, Vol. II, p. 104.]
[NOTE: A. Eliot may be Abraham Elliott, husband of Elizabeth Wansley and the brother-in-law of John Wansley, Jr. B. Allen is most likely Beverly Allen who married Mildred W. Beck, a daughter of Sarah Wansley and John Beck.]