DABNEY WANSLEY [WANSLOW] and his wives: unknown first wife and LEANNAH HALL
Wansley, Dabney timeline 18 Jun 2018
Dabney Wansley was born ca 1800-1808, possibly in Anderson County, South Carolina, and died 22 February 1858 in Lowndesville, South Carolina. Elbert County, Georgia is an alternative birthplace, undocumented. He married [1] unknown and [2] Leannah [Leanna] HALL, before September 1850. She was born about 1827 in South Carolina and died 09 January 1890, South Carolina.
According to tradition Dabney Wansley was a son of Reuben Wansley and Elizabeth Cunningham, without any documentation. [Wansley, Frank N. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History] Frank N. Wansley claimed Dabney Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia.
Dabney Wansley [born 1800-1808] might be a son of Dabney Wansley [illiterate] who witnessed a 1809 deed from Franklin Cunningham to Johnston Cunningham. Dabney Wansley signed with his mark. Dabney Wansley [born 1800-1808] was literate. Several documents have Dabney Wansley’s signature. Franklin Cunningham and Johnston Cunningham in the 1809 deed were brothers of Elizabeth Cunningham who married Reuben Wansley, Sr.
A third possibility is that Dabney Wansley was a son of John Wansley, possibly John Wansley, Jr., and grandson of John Wansley, Sr. This hypothesis is based is based on the following information.
1. In the 1850 United States Census for Abbeville District, South Carolina, p. 226 [w]/63B [s], 991/991, John Wansley, 78, born in South Carolina, was living in the household of Dabney and Leanna Wansley. Date of birth for John Wansley is consistent with estimated date of birth for John Wansley, Jr. Abbeville District is directly east of Elbert County, Georgia, across the Savannah River.
2. In the 1850 census entry, Dabney Wanslow’s real estate was recorded as $1400. According to probate records in 1858, Dabney Wansley’s estate was valued at $25,000 to $30,000. John Wansley, putative father of Dabney, died in Abbeville District, South Carolina ca 1855. His widow, Eliza Wansley, posted administrator’s bond for $30,000, indicating a large estate. I suspect that Dabney Wansley inherited this estate from John Wansley. However, probate records for this era are partially extant. Dabney Wansley through his wife Leannah Hall could not have inherited anything from his father-in-law Ezekial Titus Hall who died in the 1892.
The following references may represent more than one Dabney Wansley.
ca 1800 Dabney Wansley was born in South Carolina, based on 1850 census.
ca 1808 Dabney Wandslaw was born based on photograph of tombstone in Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Lowndesville, South Carolina. He died 22 February 1858, age 50. The tombstone inscription has also be interpreted as 58 years old when he died, which yields an estimated date of birth as 1800, consistent with 1850 census.
According to tradition Dabney Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia. Based on 1850 census, his birthplace was South Carolina. According to death certificates for James Henry Asbury Wandeslaw and Frances Elizabeth Wansley Seawright their father, Dabney Wansley, was born in Anderson County, South Carolina. However, according to 1910 and 1930 census entries for his daughter Frances Elizabeth Wansley Seawright, her father was born in Virginia.
01 Jun 1809 Franklin Cunningham conveyed 100 acres on Cold Water Creek to Johnston Cunningham. Testators: William H. Underwood, Dabney [X] Wansley, John Carrell, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. M, p. 8.] [NOTE: In later records another Dabney Wansley signed with his signature. Franklin and John Cunningham were brothers of Elizabeth Cunningham who married Reuben Wansley (Sr.).]
07 Aug 1820 1820 United States Census Abbeville District, South Carolina:
Owseley [?Wansley], Dabney: 2 males <10; 1 male, 16-25; 2 females <10; 1 female 16-25; 1 person engaged in agriculture; 4 free white persons <10; no slaves; total, 6. [NOTE: Susan C. Woods was enumerated on same page. Ca 1829, Dabney Wansley was one of the appraisers of her estate. See 22 June 1829.]
04 Aug 1823 "Parker, Charles - Box 73, Pack 1787: Est. admnr. Aug. 4, 1823 by Alexr. Hunter, Hudson Prince, Wm. Harkness, bound to Moses Taggart Ord., sum $3,000.00. Cit. pub. at Rocky River Ch. Inv. made Sept. 23, 1823 by Robt. Smith, Hugh Macklin, Dabney Wansly. Nancy Parker wid." [Young, p. 247]
Moses Taggart, Ordinary [probate judge] for Abbeville District, South Carolina issued Warrant of Appraisement for estate of Charles Parker, deceased. Potential appraisers, any three or four, Robert Smith, Hugh Macklin [illegible], Hugh Macklin, Jr., Dabney Wansley and William Caruthers. Signatures on appraisal: H. McLin; Robt Smith; D. Wanslow. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 073, Packet 1787.]
ca 1824 Leannah Hall was born in Abbeville County, South Carolina, a daughter of Ezekial Titus Hall [25 Oct 1792-14 Jun 1892] and Frances Evelyn Byrd Tucker [ca 1805-11 Jun 1881]. This date of birth is based on 1850 census and is inconsistent with age given on her tombstone when she died in 1890 at age of 76.
25 Jan 1826 "Harris, Richard - Box 46, Pack 1050: Est. admnr. Jan. 25, 1826 by Alexr. Hunter, Wm. T. Drennan bound to Moses Taggart Ord. Abbeville Dist. sum $4,000.00 Inv. made Feb. 9, 1826 by Robt. Smith, Edward Bailey, Dabney Wanslow." [Young, p. 149.]
09 Feb 1826 Robert Smith, William Caruthers, Dabney Wansley, Edward Allen and G. Allen were potential appraisers for personal estate of Richard Harris. Before John S. Allen, J. P., Robert Smith, Dabney Wansley and Edward Bailey made an oath to truly appraise estate of Richard Harris. Signed: Robt. Smith, E. Bailey and Da. Wanslow. Appraisal was to be completed before 25 March 1826. Signatures on appraisal: Rob Smith, E. Bailey and D. Wanslow. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 046, Packet 1050.]
18 Oct 1826 "Hogg, Shadrack - Box 44, Pack 992: Est. admr. Oct. 18, 1826 by Alexr. Hunter, Robt. Smith, Wm. T. Drennan bound to Moses Taggart Ord. Abbeville Dist. sum $2,000.00 Inv. made Oct. 25, 1826 by Dabney Wanslow, Johanthan Johnson, Wm. Smith. Sale, Feb. 14, 1827. Byrs. Wid. Louisa Hogg, Reuben Lowry, etc." [Young, p. 142.]
25 Oct 1826 Jonathan Johnson, William Smith and Dabney Wanslow swore an oath before Andrew Giles, J.P. to make true appraisement of the estate of Shadrick Hog. Appraisal was to be returned on or before 01 December 1826. Signatures on oath: Jonathan Johnson, Dabney Wanslow, William M. Smith. Signatures on appraisal: Dabney Wanslow, Jonathan Johnson and William M. Smith. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 044, Packet 992.]
22 Jun 1829 Susannah C. Woods signed her will. Witnesses: Hugh Macklin [Mecklin], Ralph Hardin and J. S. [L.] Allen. [Abbeville County, South Carolina (1815-1837), Vol. 2, p. 266.] According to loose Abbeville Probate Records which include will of Susan C. Woods, Susannah C. Woods signed her will 06 June 1829. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 094, Packet 2330.]
Ca 1829 "Page 46: South Carolina, Abbeville District. Jonathan Johnson, Banister Allen & D. Wanslow being called upon to value and appraise the plantation whereon Mrs. Susannah Woods late dec'd resided after being sworn believe the said land to be worth $720 for 240 acres. J. Johnson, B. Allen, D. Wanslow." [Abbeville, no date for entry] See entry for 22 June 1829.
29 Jun 1829 Hugh Mecklin, Jonathan Johnson and J. S. Smith submitted appraisal of personal property and slaves of Susan C. Woods, deceased. Total appraisal: $3758.62½. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 094, Packet 2330.]
1830 United States Census Abbeville District, South Carolina:
Wanslow, Dabney: 1 free white male, 40-49; 1 free white male, 80-89; 1 free white female, 30-39; 1 free white female, 50-59; 2 male slaves, <10; 10 male slaves, 10-23; 1 fenale slave, 10-23; 1 female slave, 24-35; 2 free white persons, 20-49; total free white persons, 4; total slaves, 6; total of household, 10. [NOTE: The identity of the 80 through 89 year old male is unknown, possibly Dabney Wansley [illiterate] or John Wansley.]
29 Apr 1831 William Covington, executor of the estate of Susan C. Woods, reported a payment of $13.93¾ to Dabney Wanslow. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 094, Packet 2330.]
11 Jan 1837 Elizabeth Elliott, Abbeville District, South Carolina, granted power of attorney to Dabney Wanslow to obtain her “distributive Shear [sic] of the Estate of my Father John Wanslow Decd of Elbert County Georgia. Witness: M. B. Clark. Signed: Elizabeth [X her mark] Elliott. On the obverse side of the power of attorney, Da. Wanslow received $234.58 from William A Beck & Thomas Wanslow, executors of John Wanslow, deceased. Signed: Da Wanslow attorney in fact for Elizabeth Elliott. [Elbert County, Georgia Estates Wanslow, John-Ward, Austin T., images 44-45] [NOTE: The signature is comparable to others for Dabney Wanslow.]
21 Jan 1837 “No 27 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow executors of John Wanslow decd Two Hundred & thirty four dollars & 68 cents infull of my distributive share of the said decd January 21st 1837. D. Wanslow Attorney in fact for Elizabeth Elliott” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. Return Est. of John WanslowSenr decd 1845]
1840 United States Census Abbeville District, South Carolina, p. 7.
Wansly, W.: 2 males 30-39. [NOTE: W. Wansly household might include Dabney Wansley. The household is in the neighborhood of Bannister Allen, Robert Smith and James Bozeman who were associated with Dabney Wansley on legal documents. Frank N. Wansley stated that John Wansley, Jr. was known to have children but their names were unknown. W. Wansly might have been a son of John Wansley, Jr.]
15 Sep 1846 Smith, Robert – Box 121, Pack 3585: Will dated 15 September 1846. Proven: 24 November 1846. Executors: sons, William, Robert and Jefferson Smith. Witnesses: Dabney Wanslow, John Wansley, A. Hunter. Wife: Easter Smith. Children: Robert J., William J., James J. and Margaret Smith. Grandchildren: Sarah Hogg, John James Oliver. Inventory made 05 December 1846 by Bannister Allen, Dabney Wanslow, Jonathan Johnston, John Allen, James Bozeman, Abbeville, South Carolina. [Young]
Witnesses for the will of Robert Smith, dated 15 September 1846: Signed: Dabney Wanslow, John [X] Wansley and A. Hunter. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 121, Pack 3585.]
24 Nov 1846 Potential appraisers for estate of Robert Smith, deceased, Dabney Wanslow, Bannister Allen, Jonathan Johnson, Jno. S. Allen and James L. Bozeman. Abbeville District, South Carolina. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 121, Pack 3585.]
05 Dec 1846 Before M. Garret, J. P., Dabney Wansley, B. Allen, Jonathan Johnson and J. L. Bozeman made an oath to truly appraise estate of Robert Smith, deceased, on or before 10 December 1846. Signed: B. Allen, D. Wanslow, Jas. L. Bozeman. Abbeville District, South Carolina. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 121, Pack 3585.]
1849 Wyche District, Elbert County, Georgia property tax:
Elliott, Thomas C.: 1 poll; tax, $0.39 5/8
Elliott, Thomas C., agent for Sarah Elliott: 1 slave; tax, $0.39 5/8
Elliott, Thomas C., agent for D. Wanslow “non R”: 250 acres, third class oak and hickory upland, Number [? Lot] 395, District 79, Early County, Georgia; tax, $0.39 58
[Georgia Property Tax Digests] [NOTE: These entries connect Thomas C. Elliott with Dabney Wanslow who had power of attorney for Elizabeth Wansley Elliott when she received her share of the estate of John Wansley, Sr. in 1837. Thomas C. Elliott is said to be a son of Elizabeth Wansley and Abraham Elliott.]
20 Jan 1849 Sheriff’s sale of 250 acres bounded by Banister Allen and Dabney Wansley, published in Abbeville [South Carolina] Banner. [Ware, p. 40.]
Frank N. Wansley, p. 38. “Dabney Wansley married Leannah Hall, daughter of Ezekial Hall, she was his second wife, the first wife having died at Diamond Springs Sanitarium near Lowndesville, South Carolina.”
[NOTE: On 10 October 1856, sale of real estate owned by John White, deceased, was in neighborhood of Diamond Springs and adjoining D. Wansley, Perry Pettigrew and others. Ware, p. 97.]
Sep 1860 Before 17 September 1850, Dabney Wanslow married Leanna Hall, based on 1850 census.
1850 United States Census Savannah River Regiment, Abbeville District, South Carolina, p. 226 [w]/63B [s], 17 September, 991/991
Wanslow, Dabney, WM, 50, farmer, $1400 property, SC
Wanslow, Leanna, WF, 24, SC
Wanslow, John, WM, 78, SC
[NOTE: Bannister Allen was head of following household.]
Nov 1852 James Henry Asbury Wansley was born in Abbeville District, South Carolina, son of Dabney Wansley and Leannah Hall. [South Carolina Death Certificate] He married Margaret Burdett.
02 May 1853 Frances Elizabeth Wansley was born in Anderson County, South Carolina, daughter of Dabney Wansley and Leannah Hall [South Carolina Death Certificate] She married [1] Jesse Alexander Wiles and [2] John Renny Seawright.
06 Mar 1855 Mary Mollie Wansley was born, daughter of Dabney Wansley and Leannah Hall. She married William David Chapman. [Date from tombstone in Hart County, Georgia]
10 Oct 1856 Sale of real estate owned by John White, deceased, in neighborhood of Diamond Springs and adjoining D. Wansley, Perry Pettigrew and others. [Ware, 97]
ca 1857 Leanna D. Wansley, daughter of Dabney Wansley and Leannah Hall, was born in South Carolina.
22 Feb 1858 Dabney Wandslow died in Lowndesville, South Carolina and was buried in Smyrna Cemetery, Lowndesville, South Carolina. No date of birth on tombstone; age at death: 50 [or 58]. [NOTE: Surname on tombstone is “Wandslow”.]
15 Mar 1858 Court of Ordinary for Anderson District, South Carolina granted letters of administration to Ezekial Hall and James Thompson for the estate of Dabney Wansley who died intestate. Ezekial Hall was the father of Leannah Hall. [Anderson District, South Carolina Letters of Administration (1853-1863), Vol. 2, p. 256.]
15 Mar 1858 Bond of Administration: Ezekial Hall, John Thompson, William Sherrard and A. N. McFall posted $70,000 administrators’ bond for the estate of Dabney Wansley, deceased. Signed: Ezekial Hall, Jas. Thompson, William Sherrard, A. N. McFall. [Anderson County, South Carolina Bonds of Administration (1853-1863), Vol. 2, p. 204.]
Mar 1858 Inventory and appraisement of estate of Dabney Wansley in Anderson County, South Carolina. Appraisers were J. H. Reid, William Obriant, William Sherrard and William G. Speed. The inventory for personal property included farm equipment, produce, livestock, cotton, household furnishings and slaves. Dabney Wanslow’s personal property was valued at $21,774.53. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1855-1862), pp. 289-290.] [NOTE: In 1850 Dabney Wansley owned property valued at $1400. The sudden increased valuation for his property may reflect an inheritance from John Wansley who died ca 1855 Abbeville District, South Carolina. A “John Wanslow” was living in the household of Dabney Wanslow in 1850. John Wansley’s probate records have not been found; however, Eliza Wansley posted an administrator’s bond of $30,000 in Anderson County indicating a substantial estate.
31 Mar 1858 Sale of the personal estate of Dabney Wansley, deceased, netted $25881.70. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1855-1862), pp. 290-292.]
31 Mar 1858 and 01 April 1858, “Widow Bought the following” property from the sale of personal estate of Dabney Wanslow, deceased. She bought household furniture, kitchen equipment, farm tools, livestock and grain [wheat and corn]. She bought the following slaves: woman, Jenny, 51; man Lewis, 37; man Elbert, 17; Martha, 13; Amanda, 12; Samantha, 8; Milly, 6; and Emily, 17. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1855-1862), p. 292.] [NOTE: It is not unusual for the widow to buy back property she had used before her husband’s death. Also, Dabney Wansley died intestate.]
1860 United States Slave Census 4th Reigment, Anderson County, South Carolina, 25 July
Wansley, Lanah: BM, 40; BF, 45; BM, 30, BM, 21; BF; 18; and BF, 16.
1860 United States Census 4th Regiment, Anderson County, South Carolina, 24 July, 294/294
Wansley, Leana L., 32, WF, farmer, $300 real estate, $6000 personal property, SC
Wansley, Jas., 8, WM, SC
Wansley, Elizabeth, 6, WF, SC
Wansley, Mary, WF, 4, SC
Wansley, Leana L., WF, 3, SC
1860 United States Agriculture Schedule, 4th Regiment, Anderson Post Office, Anderson County, South Carolina, 21 July, p.10.
Wansley, Lanah: 150 improved acres; 150 unimproved acres; cash value of land, $1000; value of farming equipment and machinery, $100; 4 horses; 1 ass or mule; 6 milch cows; 3 other cattle; 21 swine; value of livestock, $600; 50 bushels wheat; 26 bushels, rye; 100 bushels In dian corn; 30 bushels oats; 4 400-pound bales of ginned cotton; 30 bushels, peas; 15 bushels sweet potatoes, 50 pounds butter; 1 ton hay; 50 pounds honey; 5 pounds beeswax; value of home manufacturing, $10; value of slaughtered animals, $50.
28 Jan 1863 “On the resolution of James Thomson, administrator of Dabney Wansley, to refund a double tax. [Journal of South Carolina General Assembly.]
1870 United States Census Comer Townshiip, Moffitsville PO, Anderson County, South Carolina, 22 July, 133/137
Wansley, Nermah [spelling uncertain], 30, WF, keeping house, $600 real estate, $334 personal property, SC
Wansley, James, 16, WM, SC
Wansley, Elizabeh, 15, WF, SC
Wansley, Mary, 14, WF, SC
Wansley, Leana L., WF, 13, SC
132/136 Hyram Burdett, 66, M. Emily Burdett, 52
1870 United States Agriculture Schedule, Corner Township, Anderson County, South Carolina.
Wansley, Nenah: 60 improved acres; 55 woodland acres; 110 [?] other unimproved acres; cash value of property, $314; 2 horses; 1 mule or ass; 2 milch cows; 3 other cattle; 10 swine; value of livestock $214; total marked out. [NOTE: The entries are virtually illegible.]
17 Sep 1888 Will of Leanna Wanslow of Dark Corner Township, Anderson County, South Carolina bequeathed land to her children:
[1] Her only son James A. Wanslow was to receive 235 acres west of “Harpers Ferry Anderson and Pendleton public road” in Dark Corner Township.
[2] Her daughters F. Elizabeth Wiles and Mary M. Chapman were to share 250 acres east of “Harpers Ferry Anderson and Pendleton public road” in Dark Corner Township. The will states the land was known as “the Wanslow place.”
Item 3: “And I further will that my executor hereafter to be appoint as directed may when a majority of the heirs interested desire to sell or divide the tract of land bequeathed to my daughter and if sold to make title to same so as to subserve the greater interest to this estate and those interested therein, and without the delay or expense that might occur by partition in law or equity.”
Item 4. Leanna Wanslow appointed her son James A. Wanslow executor.
Witnesses: R. F. Gray, William O’Briant, James T. Barnes
[Anderson County, South Carolina Wills [1880-1891], Vol. 4, pp. 464-466.]
09 Jan 1890 Leannah Wandslow died at age 76 and was buried in Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Loundesville, South Carolina Tombstone has date of death and age. [photograph of tombstone] [NOTE: Based on census information, Leannah Wandslow’s age on tombstone may not be correct or other census entries are inaccurate.]
Jan 1890 Personal property of Leanna Wansley, deceased, totaled $118.15. Appraisers were R. Y. Gray, James A. Young and J. A. Bounds [spelling uncertain]. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1887-1893), pp. 241-242.]
Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Lowndesville, South Carolina
“Dabney Wandslow Died Feb. 22, 1858 Aged 50 [58] years.”
“Leannah Wandslow Died Jan. 3, 1890 Aged 76 [70] years.”
[NOTES: (1) Dabney and Leannah Wandslow have a common tombstone. (2) Leannah Hall Wandslow’s calculated date of birth is inconsistent on census records and tombstone.]
Charlie A. Wandslow [26 Aug 1880-25 Oct 1890]
Margaret Burdett Wandslow [18 Jul 1854-25 Jul 1885]
"Abbeville District Real Estate Divisions 1825-1839" in South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. XXIV, o. 2, Spring 1996. [Abbeville]
Bratcher, R. Wayne. Cemetery Records of Abbeville County, South Carolina.
Carlisle, H. A. The History of Lowndesville, S. C. Danielsville, Georgia: Heritage Papers, 1987
Chapman, Stephen S. Family Bible Record [William David Chapman]
Georga Property Tax Digests, 1849, Wyche District, Elbert County, Georgia.
Wansley, Frank N. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: ca 1977. [second edition]
Ware, Lowry. Abbeville District, South Carolina Newspaper Notices of Land Cases and Sales. Columbia, South Carolina, 1999.
Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. [Young]
Relationship of Dabney Wanslow and John Wansley [Wanslow] is unknown. The 1850 census entries are consistent with John Wansley being either father or uncle of Dabney Wansley, perhaps John Wansley, Jr., son of John Wansley, Sr. of Elbert County, Georgia.
15 Sep 1846 Witnesses for the will of Robert Smith, dated 15 September 1846: Dabney Wansley, John [X] Wansley and A. Hunter. [Abbeville District, South Carolina Loose Probate Records, Box 121, Packet 3585.]
1850 United States Census Savannah River Regiment, Abbeville District, South Carolina, p. 226 [w]/63B [s], 17 September, 991/991
Wanslow, Dabney, WM, 50, farmer, $1400 property, SC
Wanslow, Leanna, WF, 24, SC
Wanslow, John, WM, 78, SC
[NOTE: Bannister Allen is head of following household.]
21 Nov 1855 Eliza Wanslow, Kelly Sullivan and Samuel G. Earle posted Administration Bond of $30,000 for estate of John Wanslow, deceased. Signed: Eliza [X, her mark] Wanslow, K. Sullivan, Sam. G. Earle. [Anderson County, South Carolina Bond Book (1853-1863), p. 101.]
21 Dec 1855 Eliza Wanslow applied for Letters of Administration for the estate of John Wanslow, deceased, late of Abbeville District, South Carolina. [Anderson County, South County Letters of Administration 1853-1863), Vol. 2, p. 130.]
2 i. James Henry Asbury2 Wansley, born about November 1852, South Carolina, died 30 December 1921, Anderson County, South Carolina. He married Margaret Burdett, born 18 July 1854 and died 25 July 1889. She was buried in Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Lowndesville, South Carolina.
3 ii. Frances Elizabeth2 Wansley, born about 02 May1855, Anderson County, South Carolina, died 10 August 1937, Comer, Anderson County, South Carolina. She married [1] Jesse Alexander Wiles and [2] John Renny Seawright.
4 iii. Mary Mollie2 Wansley, born 06 March 1855, South Carolina, died 13 November 1887, Hart County, Georgia. She married William David Chapman, born 27 December 1849, died 24 March 1888, Hart County, Georgia.
iv. Leana [Lannah] D. 2 Wansley, born about 1857, South Carolina. Lennah D. Wandslow died age 10. Dates on tombstone photograph are illegible.
21 April 1864, James Thompson, guardian of Lanna D. Wanslow, a minor, reported Ezekial Hall and James Thompson, administrators of the estate of Dabney Wansley, deceased, provided the sum of $23,504.68 to be divided among the four children of Dabney and Leannah Hall Wanslow. Lanna D. Wanslow received $6422.71 and real estate value at $545.27. After expenses the balance due was $6180.21. [Anderson County, South CaroZlina Guardian Accounts (1859-1869), Vol. 3, p. 305.]
13 April 1865, James Thompson, guardian of Lanna D. Wanslow, a minor, reported interest income of $375.11. The interest came from G. & C. R. R. bonds, Confederate bonds and individual notes. Expenses were $293.17. Balance due 01 January 1865: $6262.15. [Anderson County, South Carolina Guardian Accounts (1859-1869), Vol. 3, pp. 347.]
25 April 1866, James Thompson, guardian of Leanna D. Wanslow, a minor, reported balance from previous report was $6262.15. $3150.00 was written off as worthless Confederate bonds with remaining balance $3112.15. [Anderson County, South Carolina Guardian Accounts (1859-1869), Vol. 3, pp. 393.]
02 May 1867, James Thompson, guardian of Leannah D. Wanslow, reported interest of $217.85 and expenses, $24.50. Balance due 01 January 1867: $3306.50. [Anderson County, South Carolina Guardian Accounts (1859-1869), Vol. 3, pp. 485.]
22 April 1868, James Thompson, guardian of Lanah D. Wanslow, reported for interest for year, $31.45. After expenses balance diue 01 January 1868, $3512.26. [Anderson County, South Carolina Guardian Accounts (1859-1869), Vol. 3, p. 541.]